Beer with the MERLOT edutech_bloggers

Although I had to leave early to catch the ferry back to the island, in truth meeting up with all of these folks was one of my main reasons for heading to the conference yesterday. Partly to put faces to urls, and partly to help foster the burgeoning sense of community in the way that only face to face communication can.

I love the fact that everyone there came at educational technology from such different backgrounds; between us we had 1 psychologist, 2 geologists, 2 english majors, a zoologist a philosopher, and a critical theorist

And surprise surprise, these edutech bloggers are sure a gregarious bunch! I’m glad the bar was otherwise empty/noisy as I’m sure we would have caused some head-scratching as the conversations flew from learning obects and blogs to the more important topics of the phenomenom of American college football crowds and hockey as a Canadian religious experience.

We almost had a grand slam – if we had managed to get Bernie Dodge and Jim Sibley there, the only two other edutechblogger names I recognized from the attendee list. If there were more I missed, come out and play!

So for me, definitely the highlight of the day. It would be great if somehow we could figure out another way to get all those folks who we missed together face to face, I’m certain the synergies would be unbelievable. Still, to get 8 together from the one conference was simply great! – SWL