I don’t do MOOCs. I am not a big joiner to begin with. But heck if the proposed assignments for Jim’s upcoming Digital Storytelling 106 didn’t sound like fun. So much fun that I had to do one myself, actually combine 2 of the assignments into one, using my favourite movie of all time, Cool Hand Luke. Predictable, probably, but I can watch this film over and over again. So, without further ado, here’s “Cool Hand Luke in 5 Animated Gifs”:
All I can say is – you know you have an amazing course when non-participants are submitting assignments, for fun! And one thing we definitely don’t have here is a failure to communicate 😉 – SWL
Ah, what a great effect. Maybe I’m just a sucker for moving pictures but I like what you’ve done here. Seems many people have different ideas for creating animated gifs. What process did you use?
Hi Tim, well, basically followed @cogdog’s recipe – I used pwnyoutube to grab the clips as mp4, and where I differed from Alan is I sucked them into iMovie and basically made 5 tiny clips, which I then converted using Gifninja, though unlike Alan I used the Video-to-Animated-Gif feature. Easy peasy. Basically the biggest part was finding the clips, which itself wasn’t hard. Start to finish was maybe 45 minutes.
Great sequence – love that film. Never fail to get a little misty when Luke is informed his mother has passed away and picks up his battered banjo to play <a href="http://www.csufresno.edu/folklore/drinkingsongs/mp3s/1960s/1968-paul-newman-(CD)/10%20-%20Plastic%20Jesus%20-%20Paul%20Newman.mp3"
Arg .. buggered the ref … that would be:
Plastic Jesus
“Any man that makes an animatediguf of me… Spends a night in the box.”
Love it, if you ever get to Strawberry, this is a disc in the home movie collection. A favorite among favorites.