Death and…

Ok, I expect this is one to be put in the “see what you get when you leave it to the last minute” file, but the internet gods are conspiring against me (and I expect hundreds of others) today as we try to get our taxes in on time.

As if it wasn’t bad enough that Revenue Canada, in their inimitable and unassailable way, lied on their web pages when they said that operators were available on the weekend to answer questions (they are not, at all, for individual run businesses, and if they are for private individuals I’d love to hear from someone who got through, it rang busy for 2 days straight for me).

No, that clearly wasn’t enough hassle. Now Quicktax, my former online tax preparation service of choice, goes down on April 29th, the day before taxes are due in Canada. Uggghhh!!!! I can just see the conversation now – “whaddya mean I was supposed to be keeping track of disk space; that’s your job!”

What was that about the only other certain thing in life besides taxes – oh yeah, the intransigence of IT departments everywhere 😉

3 thoughts on “Death and…”

  1. I have had the same experience since 2pm today (29 April 07). This is maddening. What did they think the traffic would be like the day before filing? My information is all complete. I need to submit it to the CRA. Intuit has my tax return, and I can’t get to it. What do you suppose the chance is that they’ll pay my late filing fees?

  2. Scirius, I hear you. The logjam finally broke on the server and I managed to submit my return, hope it did for you too. But like you say, what were they expecting. And it’s not like it’s a free service, I paid $25 a return!

  3. This happened to me too yesterday. I just didn’t want to muck around, so I printed out everything and dropped them off in DT.

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