Prompted by Alan’s generous references in his latest Blogshop to last month’s B.C. Educational Technology User’s Group online ‘blogtalk’ and his links to materials there that will soon disappear when I disable the Typepad account, I’ve posted an archived version of the site here.
Until someone tells me to take it down, this is probably the better spot to link to if you want to refer to any of that material. Note this is not all *my* material – I’m just hosting the archives, but if you link to any of the materials please make an effort to find out who the original author of the piece you are linking to was and credit them directly.
For those who are interested, this is where you can also find the original version of the ‘matrix of uses of blogs in education’ as a Word doc, and not just a static image, so the example hyperlinks are clickable. Woohoo. I haven’t really done anything more with this, though it seemed that if these axes were generally acceptable one could start dynamically locating a lot of other uses on such a matrix.
Finally, for anyone who’s interested, I created this static copy of the Typepad site using Webcopier from MaximumSoft. I highly recommend it as a tool to archive dynamic websites – it seems to handle most database driven sites I’ve used it on fairly well and go through each of the options on form submissions, etc. There are lots of other tools to do this kind of thing, but I’ve ended up using this one a number of times. – SWL
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