Welcome to the newly designed EdTechPost

There’s still lots to do, but for a number of reasons I needed to finally get this out the door today. It may not look that different, but to get this going I’ve:

  • moved from using Radio as my blogging tool to using MoveableType
  • changed web hosts, and got myself a brand-spanking new URL
  • redesigned the site, both visually and through the use of CSS

There’s still some kinks to work out in the style sheet implementations (I hadn’t quite realized how truly inconsistent the interpretation of “standards” is still across browsers) so please be patient. If you do notice anything going truly squirrelly for you, please let me know. There’s also still a good deal of work to try and re-direct traffic from the old site to here, but from here on I will be publishing strictly to this server/this url/this RSS feed. So welcome! – SWL

6 thoughts on “Welcome to the newly designed EdTechPost”

  1. Looks great Scott, and loads faster too. Congratulations to stepping up from the toy blogs 😉

    Did MT actually import the entire Radio blog posts? If so that is impressive (more than the so called mythical Blackboard / WebCT converters 😉

    Happy blogging!

  2. great new site! i really like the clean look of the design. and i’m sure that mt will be a nice change for you.

    and know what you mean about css. spent a couple of hours last night getting a drupal site theme style sheet for a conference blog i’m setting up to play nice in IE 6x and Mozilla.

    with your site, i first viewed it in firebird and the css is having some problems. but strangely enough, it’s behaving better on mozilla 1.4 than in firebird 0.6.1. both are having problems with your margin/padding on the left side of the right hand column, but firebird is enlarging the font of the archive calendar display. i would have thought that they would render almost the same???

    here’s a pic in case it would help to see what i’m seeing in firebird.

  3. Nice going Scott, and congrats on the new look and giving up on Radio UserLand. I’d be interested in knowing if you were able to import your Radio posts in MT. As you know, I’m using WordPress now, but I also an MT blog for “The Fiction of Photography”. I’m still weighing the pros and cons of switching from WordPress to MT. Time will tell.

  4. Thanks all for the kind praise and welcome. David (and other’s who asked) the move from Radio to MT was in part made possible by Bill Kearney’s Radio Exporter tool (if there’s one good thing about flaky tools is that they inspire creative people to produce great workarounds!) Using it I was able to produce formatted text extracts that were then importable into MT through it’s standard import facility. It worked remarkably well. Bill also has a post on preserving the directory structure from Radio in your new MT install. This works great if you are running on the same host as before, or if you have access to server config files to do redirects properly. That way conceivably even the old URLs will work. It’s a little different in my case – I don’t really have access to the server config on my old host, not even at the .htaccess level, so likely what I’m going to do is do redirects through meta-http headers to the new main page, and then just highlight a few of the higher traffic stories on the left hand nav. Still to-do items. But the export mean that at least I didn’t lose the last year’s worth of entries from a personal KM vantage point, which is in fact where this whole thing started for me.

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