MiCTA/ATAlliance Announces eLearning RFP Award


While the RFP from MiCTA was first released in Novemeber 2002, this is still newsworthy as they continue to announce the availability of liscence agreements with the ‘winners’ of that RFP, the latest being last week’s announcement that the agreement with WebCT had been signed.

This is potentially of widespread interest – for those not familiar, MiCTA was formed in 1982 as a group of telecommunications directors who gathered regularly for information sharing purposes. This then grew to a body that aggregated demand, initially for telecommunications services but more recently for a host of goods and services, now including ‘eLearning CMS.’ It brings together a membership base of 19538 organizations (1432 institutions of higher ed) and negotiates with vendors to offer ‘preferred customer status’ to its members. Membership is open to ‘not for profit organizations’ at the annual cost of $75.

They have posted the full details of their extensive RFP process for these eLearning CMS online. – SWL