Blackboard’s Cartridge Catalog and WebCT’s e-packs

Mostly just a note to myself – The below links point to two lists CMS-specific content packages, one at Blackbaord and one at WebCT. This is of interest to me for a number of reasons:

– at recent IMS and Canadian e-learning standards meetings, one question that has been rolling around in my mind was ‘where are the publishers?’ The answer I received from a few knowledgeable people are that they are bidding their time. Well, maybe, but not according to this.

– I know these aren’t necessarily ‘learning object repositories’ in the official usage of the term, and their context circumvents a number of problems that standards-based meta-data and packaging efforts have to address, but still, it struck me as a useful exercise to look at the number and types of searchable fields here when it came to identifying what meta-data is important searching for this kind of object.