Object Learning


Spent most of last week at events in Vancouver relating to Learning Objects and Standards, and for a variety of reasons haven’t managed to make it into the office this week, but wanted to post a few things from home to keep on top of them.

Met Brian Lamb last week at the Eduspecs sessions in Vancouver. He’s the Learning Objects Coordinator at UBC (how cool a job is that!). He also is into blogs, which is the main reason I went up and talked to him. Based on our 1/2 talk it seems like there might be a burgeoning community of bloggers within education in B.C. which would be very cool. Brian’s work blog, Object Learning, is at http://www.reusability.org/blogs/brian/. Already I’ve seen 2 or 3 really interesting posts there that didn’t make the mainstream edtech blogs, which is great – I’m getting a bit tired of seeing the same urls do the rounds in 6 different blogs, one after another.

I still haven’t really publicized this site at all, but if anyone is reading this and happens to be an educator in B.C. using, or interested in using, blogs in post-secondary education, please send me an email. I am hoping to get either an online discussion on ETUG-L or a poster session at the meetings in Merritt in May happening on this topic, and the more the merrier. – SWL