Maricopa’s object repository available as RSS stream

Another posting based on an item seen in Brian’s blog – Maricopa has created an RSS stream of their learning objects.

As a blog enthusiast I am thrilled to see this, although I am still not certain why. I haven’t personally figured out the sweet spot for the combination of learning objects and blogs or RSS aggregation. 

I must admit that after the initial enthusiasm wore off, I found myself actually questioning a lot of the idea’s presented in Stephen Downes’ presentation at the IMS Open Technical Forum. He challenged the IMS folks with a vision of learning object networks based on RSS and OAI. I am going to ponder some more on my objections, but I think they have something to do with the lack of ‘objectness’ in rss streams. more late, I have to go deal with a wriggly 9 month old who is sitting on my lap. – swl