When I started the new gig, I let EdTechPost die. Partly because I became crazy busy learning the ropes in libraryland, partly because it didn’t feel like “Ed Tech” was what I was focused on so much anymore, and partly because I felt like I didn’t have much to say anymore.
But 2 years has passed and I have found myself itching to write again. So once I got set up on this fancy new server at reclaimhosting (‘cos I’m nothing if not a faithful follower of a good trend) and migrated over the old site to a new archive, it’s ready to start writing again. Who knows what on – I am refusing to put the constraints on the site like I did the last time by naming it “ed tech” or “library” something or other. The folks I always admired blended the professional and the personal seamlessly, and so I will try to. Onwards.