Help choose the future focus of Edutools

The WCET-supported Edutools site has helped people make better informed educational technology decisions since 2001 (and even before that when it was known as “landonline” after its creator, Dr. Bruce Landon).

For the first 4 or 5 years I was responsible for doing most of the product research. This was a wonderful role and helped me understand a number of educational technologies much more deeply. Unfortunately, that model of a central reviewer creating all the content is neither very contemporary in reflecting the importance and abilities of the overall community, nor was it very sustainable.

We have worked up a new community-driven model for an Edutools site that we will be launching in the fall. And as part of the new site, we are going to focus on some new technologies. This is where we could use your help. Help us figure out which educational technologies you would most like to see a new Edutools site focus on by taking the below poll; it’ll only take a few seconds, but will help us focus on things that really matter to you. Thanks! – SWL
