Paper – “Personal Publishing and Media Literacy”

Are the Norse known for being terse? The only reason I ask is that my one complaint about this paper from Jon Hoem and Ture Schwebs is that it is too short! (which to be honest, is usually not the problem with academic papers!)

Even if you feel you’ve had your fill of papers on “why to use blogs and wikis in education” please do yourself a favour and read this one. In seven short, packed pages they lay out a number of strong rationales for using blogs and wikis in the classroom (in this case mostly the K-12 classroom), introduce for me the interesting concept of “personal publishing as ‘staging‘.� They also show off their own, in-house blogging tool called ELOGG (no, not that one), very recognizable as a blogging tool but which also contains some sensible additions like “assignments, projects, friends & favourites, selected works, and media archives” that make the tool even more affable to a school setting.

I expect this paper to become one of the regularly cited as we move into the ‘early majority’ and onwards adopting these technologies and practices into their classrooms. It is passionate without being dogmatic, and informed by more than the blogosphere’s intelligentsia. – SWL